Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Fort Sillhouette

I woke up at around 5am to bring my father to the airport . One the way back I decided to take the route through The Fort. When I saw a good scene I stopped my car and started shooting. Then a security guard approached me and asked if I have a permit to shoot Turns out that I have to ask permission from their arts department before I can take photographs within The Fort's vicininity. So I stopped shooting and went back to my car and started driving. Just when I drove around 100 meters another security guard riding a motorcycle was waving at me to pull over which I did. He asked to to erase every photo that I took. Well, the genius in me took the driver's seat. I showed him my camera, pressed the erase botton which prompts the delete dialogue box. After ensuring that he saw the delete dialogue box I hastingly pressed the cancel botton and immediately transfered to the next photo. I repeated the sequence until I got to the pictures I took in Tagaytay. Thank God I didn't start shooting in an emptry SD card.

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